🥇 The Longest Drivers!

Who takes the crown?

Hi Golfer,

We put ourselves in danger to bring you guys the real scoop on LIV golf. 

One of our writers threw on a disguise and hit up the LIV Nashville event … you don’t want to miss this.

PS: We’ve also put together a list of the Top 3 Longest Drivers!



Wait, Vice makes irons?

Yes, Vice makes irons and wedges. Are they any good?

Vice’s new irons, wedges and putters are creating some buzz on the interweb, but they’re shrouded in a heapin’ helpin’ of mystery.

In this article, we answer the most important questions such as:

That and more in our latest piece.


Top 3 Longest Drivers

The Top 3 Longest Drivers are …

Distance makes the game of golf easier. You'll be further down the fairway, have short irons and wedges as you approach the green, and realistic looks at birdie. However, first, you need to narrow down which drivers actually produce the most distance.

Does your driver make the cut?


We Tried It: LIV Golf

Okay, we didn’t really sneak into a LIV event.

*We got credentials. It only took 24 hours to get approved.

Sean, a notorious LIV hater attended the recent LIV Nashville event with an open mind.

Let’s just say, he was surprised by what he saw.


How a Toddler Golf Bag is Changing The Industry

Small but mighty.

What can you accomplish in 28 minutes?

For one, you could run a decently fast 5k race. Cook a nice steak dinner. Hit a bucket of range balls. Perhaps you could to sit down and watch an episode of Jeopardy.

Twenty-eight minutes is also the amount of time it took Tyler Johnson and Charlie Golf Co. to sell out of their first run of toddler golf bags.

But before Charlie Golf Co. sold out of that initial shipment (and pretty much every one since), Tyler Johnson was simply acting as any good father would given a similar situation: he noticed a problem with his son's golf bag and decided to find a solution.



Written By: Tom Conroy and Connor Lindeman

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